New year, new blog, CodeMash and MDC

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2009 has already been a very exciting year.  I opened up twitter on the morning of Jan 1st to see many of my friends receiving a Microsoft MVP award, howMVPLogo_2 exciting!  I knew I was nominated so I thought I’d check too, nothing there, ah well, better luck next time.  I had then moved on and registered on a site that required me to validate my email address.  I didn’t see the email come in, so I checked my junk mail folder, lo and behold, there was the validation email and an email titled “Congratulations 2009 Microsoft MVP!” … needless to say I just about fell out of my chair.  This is an amazing opportunity for me to learn and grow, and share what I can [non-NDA of course] with the rest of the community and get the message from the community back to Microsoft, I am extremely excited to be given this honor. speaking

Next came CodeMash, I am amazed at the size and quality of this conference every year.  I presented a talk on WPF data templates and got some very good interaction from the audience.  I feel this makes a session more successful than if a speaker was just up there talking for an hour.  Interaction with people in the  audience gives custom/catered content so that they are getting more out of the session, and in turn makes me feel satisfied that I provided added value to their attendance in the session.

On January 22nd, I get the opportunity to speak again at the Detroit MSDN Developer’s Conference (a.k.a MDC).  This will be my first time MSDNDEVCON_2 delivering content that is not my own, as well as my first time presenting with another presenter.  I have spent the last few months learning and applying the topics of this talk, and have gained some substantial knowledge in the process.  Needless to say, I am very excited and passionate about the technology that I’ll be presenting on and I hope to see you there so you too can share in my enthusiasm 🙂

So what’s up with this new blog?  I have one of those names that gets tortured all the time, so self-branding isn’t very easy.  Just this past week, I’ve been called Corey, and Casey, and countless other names.  I needed something original, that above all is easy to spell.  My middle son helped me pick out a name, and I added the “coding” prefix to it, needless to say “bandit” comes from the Monster Jam truck “Scarlet Bandit”, so the theme of the site is red and I now own the domain .  Moving to hosting my own blog also gives me more flexibility, I can now display badges on my blog which I know sounds like a small thing, but it’s very freeing to have the ability to do this now.  I hope to be more active blogger this year.

Here’s to 2009, I am confident this will be a truly amazing year!

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  1. "needless to say “bandit” comes from the Monster Jam truck “Scarlet Bandit”, "

    Is that really so well known that it is "needless to say"?

    I must be out of touch… ! 🙂 🙂

    It is great to move to your own blog and your own domain, I think it is important to own your own content and your own identity on the web as much as you can.

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