This is just a quick post to get the presentation materials out to you, I will follow up with some more detailed Posts
Install NuGet Package Manager in Visual Studio 2010 by accessing Tools –> Extension Manager (Choose online and NuGet Package Management will be an option). Click install – you will need to restart Visual Studio 2010.
Open Package Manager Console in Visual Studio by accessing Tools –> Library Package Manager –> Package Manager Console
Quick Reference (command in double quotes – do not use the double quotes in package manager they are used here for readability)
“get-package” Lists all packages currently installed in the current project
“get-package –remote” Lists all packages currently available in the selected feed
“install-package <packagenamehere>” – installs the package to the current project
“uninstall-package <packagenamehere>” uninstalls the package from the current project
To play with the packages demonstrated at the presentation – you will need to install the Packages MvcScaffolding and EFCodeFirst.SqlServerCompact
Get NuGet Server Code and Command Line Utility (add to you path) here:
Telerik MVC Controls available here:
and source code here:
I will follow up with more information on the content that was presented soon, but this should give you a start Feel free to contact me anytime!